Someone to Post

2 min read

Deviation Actions

DemonKabuto's avatar
Hey I need a lil help folks. Some girl posted on my Volume Bars texture upload that it was in the wrong category. So what? So are about 75% of DA Deviations. She thinks she's on some holy crusade or something with this, so I've been talking to her about it. It really was amusing how she thinks so highly of this mission of hers, and I got a laugh at how she acted like a 10 year old child and blocked me from posting on her page. So I'm asking for help in delivering my final message. I have a feeling that nobody if anybody would be willing, but asking is worth a shot. She may be willing to hide her childish antics, but meh, I'm not. lol

DemonKabuto, Kit Weiss,

Well people like ME have better things to do with their time. Like, oh I dunno, try to help people realize their full potential and help them start making their own decisions so we can stop living in such a mentally handicapped world. But I guess art being posted in the wrong category is worthy of 5 alarms compared to my goals.
And to be completely honest, I was talking about how physically mature people such as yourself (if that's even your real age) act like little children, thinking they're always right. It's rather quite adorable sometimes. Makes it sound like you have no control in any other aspect of your life.
And yeah, I looked at your DA page. I like how you typed in your reply on my volume bars earlier as if the first thing anyone wants to do is check out the page of bossy old woman such as yourself. lol Kinda made me giggle there.

Listen, why don't you do something a little more productive with your time. Maybe something worthwhile that might benefit others.

I'll be waiting for that message from the DA Admin asking me politely to change the category.

p.s. And I see you blocked and hid the messages I posted on your journal. Are you really afraid that others might see those and think "Hey that guy's right"? lol I love it when people get defensive like that and try to hide evidence.
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